The Last Tycoons / COMPLETED
- Director : Florence Strauss
- Producers : Les Films d’Ici, Le Pacte
- Actors : Pierre Braunberger, Anatole Dauman, Robert Dorfmann, Hakim Brothers, Mag Bodard, Alain Poiré, Pierre Cottrell, Albina Du Boisrouvray, Jacques Perrin, Jean-Pierre Rassam and many others
- Genre : Documentary series
- Nationality : France
- Duration : 8 x 52 minutes
- Year : 2019
They have always worked in the shadow and remain unknown to the broader public. Yet, they have produced movies that we all know, from La Grande Vadrouille to La Grande Bouffe, from Fanfan La Tulipe to The Mother and the Whore, from Nuit et Brouillard to Beauty and the Beast. Self-made men, passionate, gamblers, they have financed cinema with an exceptional ingeniousness at a time where neither televisions nor SOFICAS existed.
Starting from the bottom, they could either win everything... or lose everything. They are colorful characters with a fiction-like life path. Between the desires of the directors and the reality of the shootings, they ensured that the film was carried out and sometimes made choices that confront art versus industry, creation versus money. They were the kings of illusion, they had to land credibility to their status of tycoons to compensate their lack of banking solvency!
The Last Tyccons enlightens these men and women between the two world wars and the end of the 70’s, who have produced the films that keep on striking spectators of the entire world.